What is a PPG?
A Patient Participation Group (PPG) is a group of patients and GP practice staff who meet to discuss practice issues and patient experience to improve the service. The purpose of a PPG is to:
- Provide a means for patients to be more involved and make suggestions about the healthcare services they receive
- Explore issues from patient complaints and patient surveys, contribute to action plans and help monitor improvements
- Contribute feedback to the practice on National Patient Survey results and Friends and Family Test feedback, to propose developments or change
- Support health awareness and patient education
What is the purpose of the PPG?
Patient participation is about patients and practices working together. It aims to bring about positive change to the benefit of all patients and practice staff.
What Does the PPG Do?
Each PPG is unique, evolving to meet local needs. It is made up of patients, doctors and other practice staff who communicate at regular intervals to consider ways of making a positive contribution to the services and facilities offered by the practice to its’ patients. We offer our opinion, advice and assistance on how the practice can provide the best possible service to patients. We work both collectively and individually. We work together in partnership with the practice to ascertain the views of patients and represent those views, obtaining patient feedback, and help improve services provided by the practice. Our aims are to:
- Contribute to the continuous improvement of services
- Foster improved communication between the practice and its’ patients
- Provide information updates to patients through newsletters
- Carry out research into the views of those who use the practice
- Listen and act upon patient views (where possible)
- Help patients to take greater responsibility for their own and their family’s health
- Provide practical support and help to implement change
The PPG is not a:
- Practice Management Committee; we do not interfere with the Practice’s management decisions or its day-to-day running
- Forum for complaints
- Vehicle for individuals to voice personal interests, resolve personal issues or to get additional personal medical service
- Doctor’s fan club
Minutes & Documents
Membership of the PPG
It is important that the membership of the PPG is representative of the practice population. Priory Fields Surgery has a diverse patient population with patients of varying ages and a wide variety of different needs. To be truly representative, we would welcome more volunteers, particularly from under-represented groups.
If you would like to join the PPG please click here to complete the form
Virtual Forum (VF)
We realise that many patients are unable to attend the meetings due to pressure from studies, work or family commitments but may want to have a say in what we do.
If that includes you why not join our virtual forum!
We will soon have an online forum for patients to engage with. If you would like to register your interest in joining our Virtual Forum please complete this form. We will be in touch when our VF forum is live.
Virtual Forum Guidelines
These guidelines are enforced by administrators of the forum and at their discretion they may delete posts without warning that do not comply. Also, failure to comply with these guidelines may result in being removed from the forum.
We rely on all forum members to help keep these discussion forums a safe place for people to share and view information. To do this, we request that all members comply with the following guidelines when contributing to the discussion forums:
• Keep it friendly;
• Be courteous and respectful. Appreciate that others may have an opinion different from yours;
• Stay on topic, when creating a new discussion thread, give a clear topic title and put your post in the appropriate category. When contributing to an existing discussion, try to stay ‘on topic’;
• Share your knowledge. Don’t hold back in sharing your knowledge – it’s likely someone will find it useful or interesting;
• Refrain from demeaning, discriminatory, or harassing behaviour and speech.
We maintain the rights to remove posts and threads to ensure that material posted in the discussion forums is not potentially harmful. For this reason, we may edit or choose to remove any post that:
• Contains disrespectful or derogatory remarks about any person;
• Contains advice or content that we believe is damaging, unhelpful or distressing to others;
• Contains swearing or offensive language, is nonsensical and/or irrelevant;
• Promotes personal beliefs in a way that is disrespectful of the choices of others;
• Is racist, sexist, homophobic, sexually explicit or suggestive, abusive or otherwise discriminatory or objectionable;
• Does not focus on relevant matters.