Blood Test Results
Please be aware that your blood test results will be back within 3-5 working days, however, some results may take longer depending on the type of blood test.
It is your responsibility, as the patient to ensure you are aware of the result.
If you have not heard from the surgery within 2 weeks, please contact us to check on the status of your results.
The GP will leave appropriate information with the Reception team.
- Please put a request through Askmygp to request this information.
- Please contact Reception on 01480 413600 between 3pm and 5pm Monday – Friday.
- Alternatively, you can register to view your coded record with online access, where the same information will be available to you, please speak to Reception for details of this process
Non-urgent advice: Patient Notice
If your test has been requested by the hospital please contact the relevant hospital as the results will go directly to them.